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Frequently asked questions

It is a complete misconception that homeopathic medicines do not work quickly. Homeopathy prescribes treatment after studying not only the disease but also the person suffering from the disease. If the most similar medicine is administered in the most suitable dosage and the doctor’s instructions are strictly followed and continued for a certain period of time, the result is sure to come very quickly. For that apart from the symptoms, a detailed study of the patient’s personality and the mental stress they are experiencing now or have experienced in the past is essential. Therefore, full cooperation of the patient is essential to see quick results.

Will definitely works. No matter how long one takes allopathy or any other medicine, there is no barrier to the effectiveness of homeopathy. You can start our infertility treatment without stopping medications for certain medical conditions such as stroke, heart disease, thyroid disorders, high blood pressure, cancer and diabetes. Taking them does not interfere with the effectiveness of the homeopathic medicine.

It works for both adults and children. The success of treatment is determined by the nature of each disease and the condition of the patient. More complex diseases require a certain period of time to heal with any treatment. Diseases in children are relatively uncomplicated. Moreover, children are more energetic than adults. Therefore, it is a fact that homeopathic treatment is more effective in children, but it does not mean that adults do not get results. As with any treatment, depending on the condition of the patient and the extent of the disease, it is a fact that treatment in adults takes longer than in children.

Homeopathy treats the individual.  Not just disease.   That is, the basis of homeopathic treatment is to prescribe the most suitable medicines for the individual from the collection of homeopathic medicines.  For this, the homeopathic doctor analyzes the symptoms, medical reports, causes of the disease and also considers the mental, social and physical conditions of the patient.  Approaching all diseases in this way increases the effectiveness of homeopathic treatment.