Welcome nature’s gift with pride


Safe treatment with no side effects.


Using most effective high-quality drugs only


Ensures 100% natural treatment.


Expert treatment based on scientific research .


High quality treatment at a low cost.


Enables the fastest treatment success.

Expert Treatments

Ovulation Induction

Ovulation is essential for fertilization and pregnancy. Patient with low AMH, PCOD, malnutrition, obesity etc. may have anovulatory cycle. We can induce ovulation in all cases without any side effect and increases the chances of conception.

Menses Regulation

Exact time of ovulation cannot predict in patients with irregular menses. There may be several causes for irregular menses. Giving treatment to the patient after diagnosing the exact cause and regulate the menstrual cycle. It can ensure that ovulation take place on time, so that you will not miss your ovulation period to have sexual intercourse.

Sperm Boosting

Good quality sperms are essential for fertilization to take place. Quality and quality of sperm can be improved by effective treatments such as, Increasing the blood circulation to testicles Reducing over heat of scrotum, stimulating testicles to produce sperm, Removing obstruction of sperm ducts etc.

Sex Stimulation and Satisfaction

Sexual dysfunction can affect your fertility directly or indirectly. It can affect both men and women of all ages. It can occur before, during or even after sex. Untreated anxiety or depression can cause or contribute to sexual dysfunction. The worries of pregnancy and demands of being a new mother may have similar effects.

Fixes Blocked Tubes

Blockage in the fallopian tubes will not allow the egg and sperm to meet. Pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, adenomyosis are common causes for this. Main goals of our treatment are managing underlying causes and removal of block by effective medication. Improving ciliary movement within the tube will facilitate sperm transport.

Integrated Fertility Management

Integrated fertility management is our specialty that works in collaboration with other medical disciplines in infertility treatment. Physical and mental health of infertile couple also import for a good outcome of infertility treatment. We can give supportive treat for all health issues before and after IUI and IVF Treatment. With this method, we can reduce the failure rate of IUI and IVF by facilitating fertilization, ensuring implantation and preventing abortion due to anomalies.