Twins Fertility art

Our exclusive features


Safe treatment with no side effects.

There is a global need for evidence-based therapeutic means, to avoid the unnecessary ill-effects, side-effects of drugs, hormonal therapy and complicated surgeries in the treatment of infertility. Homoeopathic medicines are prepared from natural sources through careful formulation, which eliminates possible side effects and enhances the effectiveness of the medicine. It is something that only homeopathy can claim. That is why homeopathic medical science is safe and most reliable than any other branch of medical science.


Using most effective high-quality drugs only.

Homeopathic medical science has found numerous effective remedies for all infertility related diseases through scientific research.  The effectiveness of these drugs has been proven in many patients through clinical studies.  Homeopathic medicine can cure many diseases where other conventional medicine fails. The curative power of homoeopathic drugs is proven by studies conducted in healthy individuals and its effectiveness for curing diseases confirmed through several clinical trials.


Ensures 100% natural treatment. 

We use only natural medicines with no side effects throughout the infertility treatment. We don’t need to use any artificial means. Our team of esteemed doctors with years of experience and specially trained, approach each case through detailed case studies and help them cure infertility related ailments by providing natural homeopathic medicines. The homeopathic medicines are prepared from a wide range of natural sources. Over 75% of the medicines origin from the vegetable kingdom, i.e. flowers, roots, leaves, and the juice. Certain chemicals and minerals are also used to prepared certain medicines.


Expert treatment based on scientific research.

We have designed this treatment as part of 12 years of scientific research and clinical studies by doctors who are renowned in infertility treatment. The studies carried out with the objective of assessing and evaluating the efficacy of Homoeopathic medicines (intervention) in treating infertile couples found that, the overall effectiveness of treatment by the rate of conception was 67.5%.


High quality treatment at a low cost.

Homeopathy is considered comparatively affordable than other branches of medicine. Since surgery or other assisted reproductive technology is not required and the cost of manufacturing homeopathic medicines is relatively low compared to other fields of medicine, patients can be treated at low cost.


Enables the fastest treatment success.

This treatment is designed so that patients get results as soon as possible, within a maximum of four months. Although the causes of infertility vary from patient to patient, in 90% of cases the same pattern of problems is observed. To deal with similar problems, we offer specific treatments discovered as part of our research and proven through clinical studies.  By doing so, unnecessary drug applications can be avoided and treatment duration can be shortened. Along with this we give homeopathic constitutional remedies based on each patient’s mental and physical characteristics and their stress. It helps to speed up the patient’s response to the drugs and achieve a better therapeutic effect.


Ensures the most reliable service.

As in any other field, there is a lot of exploitation in infertility treatment.  We are dealing with a very sensitive area.  Infertility patients face a lot of stress in their lives.  Giving false hope is more painful for them.  Therefore, before starting the treatment, we analyze each case very carefully and share with them the real problems and its solutions and convince them about its treatment possibilities.  We value the time, health and wealth of every patient and we are convinced that it should never be wasted, so our motto is to provide the most reliable and honest treatment.